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Don't be afraid to call us for a free consultation
Kave Family Financial
N7W23765 Bluemound RdWaukesha, WI 53188
- Map and Directions
- Phone: 262-436-1496
- Fax: 262-447-0230
We are now in our brand new building just south of I94.
Kave Family Financial is conveniently located on Bluemound road by the Waukesha Airport. We are located just off of I-94 and Wisconsin 164, exit 294 in Waukesha, the same exit as the Machine Shed.
Once exiting the I-94 off ramp take wisconsin 164 south. Follow up the hill until the stop lights with Ziebart's on your right. Take a left at the stoplight heading east on bluemound road. Once on bluemound move to right lane and we are the 4th building on your right, about 1/2 mile down the road.
We look forward to seeing you here.
Our address is N7 W23765 Bluemound Road, Waukesha, WI 53188